How many LinkedIn profiles have you seen that begin with a simple headline that states the users current job title, but little else? Far too many if you ask me.

Your LinkedIn headline is your brand message and value proposition condensed into 120 characters and spaces. It is your opportunity to wisely use specific industry related keywords that sum up your skill set and clearly articulate your USP (Unique Selling Point).

As you write what LinkedIn calls your “Professional Headline” it is important to consider who your target audience is. Are you looking to raise your brand profile, seeking a new job or are you a student looking for a summer internship?

Using my profile as an example I could have chosen to simply use the following headline.

“President at Kalix Communications”

Instead, I’ve used specific keywords that clearly state my value proposition and highlight my core areas of business focus.

My current headline reads,

President @ Kalix Communications, Branding, Integrated Marketing, Social Media Strategy, Independent School Marketing”

If you have not already done so, I would strongly encourage you to reexamine your headline. Does it clearly define your skill set and most importantly positions your brand for the right audience?

Remember that next to your name, the headline is the very first thing users will read about you. People will see it in searches, group discussions and in the newsfeeds of your connections. Be sure to make it great!

Jonathan Oleisky is the President of Kalix Communications