In his book Outliers, author Malcolm Gladwell explains that the key to success in any field is to practice for 10,000 hours. After working as a copywriter more than 30 years and way more than 10,000 hours, I’ve decided to share everything I’ve learned about marketing copy with you.

#1. Nobody reads the body copy.

Don’t try to say everything about your school or college at once. Just focus on giving people one good reason to go to your website.

#2. Be believable.

Of course, we all want to be thought of as the greatest thing since indoor plumbing. And in your case, that may be true. But here’s how it works. If I tell you I’m the best copywriter on the planet, you’ll probably stop reading. Or laugh. Or both. The trick is to prove it.

#3: The Big Idea.

Think about it. Why would anyone spend six figures to send their kid to an independent school when she or he can go for free down the street? Or why spend that sum at one independent school instead of another? It’s not logical. It has more to do with imagination than reason.

You can’t sell someone on your school. They have to feel it. In order to make that happen, you need to get inside your target audience’s heads. You have to understand their motivation, even if they don’t.

The next part is not something you’ll ever use in a headline or even in body copy. It’s called the desired response. It’s how you want people to feel when they see your ad, social media post or hear your spot on the radio. It could be, “My child is special. I want this for them,” or maybe, “We only have one shot at raising this kid; we’re all in.” People need to discover for themselves why you are the right choice. They need to have an “Aha” moment. And then they’ll go to your website

Haven’t checked out Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers yet? It’s a quick and entertaining read.

Building your brand is essential to getting the desired response from your target audience. Need some tips on your school’s branding? Tap here.

We’re here to help you discover your Big Idea. Contact us.

Susan Ciaverelli is an advertising agency veteran and the mother of two independent school alums. She creates branding and marketing campaigns for Kalix.

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