K!ck Fitness
Kick Fitness
Chris Shrieves

Chris Shrieves

Certified Personal Trainer- National Council on Strength & Fitness

“Shortly after graduating from George Mason University in the spring of 2010, I became certified as an NCSF Personal Trainer. Since then, I have been able to help people using a holistic training approach, cultivating the connection between the nervous system and muscular system (working the body and the mind). This approach improves weight management, energy levels, muscular strength and proprioception.”

“Together with many years of experience in athletics (including playing for the University hockey team), and experience as a school teacher, I have a unique skill set that allows me to better relate to my clients. Whether young or old, an athlete or fitness novice, I can help you reach your goals and new heights. Just be ready for a great workout!” 

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Ryan Stitt

Ryan Stitt

Founder/General Manager of K!CK Fitness
Certified Personal Trainer - American Council on Exercise (ACE)

“Nine years ago, after earning a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, I quickly discovered that number-crunching was not my life calling.  So I went back to school and earned an MBA.  Marketing and strategy was a much better fit for my outgoing personality, right?  After six years of climbing the corporate ladder, I walked away from Powerpoint presentations and Excel spreadsheets to become a personal trainer.  I had finally found the K!CK my life needed.”

“I founded K!CK fitness because I believe so strongly in the life-changing benefits of exercise.  Many people only see the barriers to exercise: “I’m too busy to workout” or “I don’t fit in with the gym crowd.” It is my hope that K!CK eliminates those barriers. K!CK is motivating. K!CK is enjoyable. K!CK is convenient.” 

I want to give your life a K!CK.

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Carla Bond

Carla Bond

Certified Personal Trainer- National Academy of Sports Medicine
Zumba Instructor

“While serving in the US Navy as a medic and command fitness leader, I learned to love fitness and everything about the human body. I gained incredible experience helping fellow sailors lose weight, maintain healthy lifestyles, and improve their athletic performance.”

“After leaving the service and becoming a mother of five, I learned firsthand the challenges of staying fit while juggling family commitments, a career, etc. So I became certified as a Zumba instructor and even created my own interval workout program called PhysiqueXtreme. And that’s a great way to describe my personality and workouts: Xtreme!”

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